VFW Post 12184 has resources available to assist in the Ruidoso Fires and recovery efforts for Veterans and their Families as well as non-veterans.  Please contact us via email if possible.  Go to the CONTACT on our webpage and leave us a message with your contact information and a brief summary of what you are requesting.  Our goal is to have someone from our relief committee to contact you within 24 hours.   


Post News

Important Info for Post12184 Members

Veteran 4th of July Cookout

VFW Cookout July 4th at the POW/MIA Park in Roswell


VFW POST 12184 Has resources available to assist those Veterans and their families that have been affected by the Ruidoso Fires.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

DVS August 2024 Newsletter

The monthly newsletter of the New Mexico Dept. of Veterans’ Services

July DVS 2024 Newsletter

The Guardian The monthly newsletter of the New Mexico Dept. of Veterans’ Services

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Remembers the End of the Afghanistan War

WASHINGTON - It has been three years since the United States finally left Afghanistan in a calamitous and deadly withdrawal of our...

VFW Admonishes Former President for Medal of Honor Remarks

WASHINGTON - "On Thursday, former President Donald Trump spoke at an event where he made some flippant remarks about the Medal of ...